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Your vehicle is eligible to be booted if you have five or more unpaid parking tickets that are more than 21 days old. This means that a device is attached to a wheel of your car to prevent the vehicle from moving. 

If you do not make your ticket payments within three days of the vehicle being booted, your vehicle will be towed. If you owe more than $1,000.00 in parking tickets and late fees, we may tow your vehicle immediately. You are responsible for all tow charges and storage fees assessed by the tow company.

Get a Boot Removed

Boot Fees

  • When your vehicle is booted, you must pay a base fee of $45.
  • A $20 per day storage fee will be added each day, starting the day after your vehicle is booted.

Related Information


Page was posted on 8/2/2023 4:26 PM
Page was last modified on 8/2/2023 4:57 PM
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